Suppliers are very important entities in LinkedPOS and are divided into two main groups i.e. Online Suppliers & Offline Suppliers (Online Suppliers are Offline Suppliers too). Go to the main toolbar and click on the Suppliers button. The Suppliers table will be displayed as shown in the image below:-
Online Suppliers
Online suppliers are such suppliers who have registered their copy of LinkedPOS and obtained a license (Free or Paid version). The user can prepare a demand order and send it to online suppliers all around the word. For adding online suppliers, an internet connection must be available. On the toolbar of the Suppliers Table, press the button. The dialoge shown below will popup.
Click and select the supplier and then press the button. This action will pop up the Online Supplier details dialog as show below. Press the button.
Offline Suppliers
Offline Suppliers are such group of suppliers from whom only local purchases can be done. For adding offline suppliers, press the button. A dialog will appear as shown in the image below. Fill out all mandatory fields and press the button.
Modify Existing Suppliers
Double click a supplier or click on the supplier in the suppliers table and then press the button on toolbar of suppliers table. A dialog will appear as shown in image below. Modify the fields and press the button.