
LinkedPOS facilitates the creation of Products also known as Deals or Combos. A Product is an item that is not directly purchased from suppliers is rather created by adding one or more items and is sold as a single unit. For example, a bakery sells Biscuits after preparing & baking them in the kitchen. It does not purchase biscuits and rather purchases flour, sugar, oil, salt, butter and other ingredients from suppliers. While creating a Product in LinkedPOS ingredients can be selected and the quantity of each item must be specified and should be written off on selling a single unit of the Product. For adding a Product, go to main toolbar and click on the Items dropdown list and then click on theProducts menu.

Products Menu

The products table will be displayed as shown in the image below. Products can be added manually one at a time.

Products Table

Adding Products

Press the New Button button on the toolbar of the Products table. A dialog will appear as shown in the image below. Fill in the mandatory fields marked with Mandatory Marker and other optional fields that may be used in day to day operations and press the Save Button button:-

Add New Product

Modify Existing Products

Click on any item in the products table and then click on the Modify Button button. Or, simply double click on any item. A dialog as shown in the image below will appear containing the complete information of the highlighted product. Modify the information and press Save Button:-

Modify Product