
Before starting to buy & sell, items must be added. Go to main toolbar, click on the Items dropdown list and click on the Items menu.

Items Menu

The items table will be displayed as shown in the image below. There are two possible ways to add items.

Items Table

Adding Items Online

This is powerful feature of LinkedPOS that makes it unique among existing point of sales systems. A list of items is available online along with images where possible. Hundreds of items can be added into LinkedPOS with a few clicks of the mouse. Listed below are the simple steps:-

Press the Online Button button on the toolbar of the Items table. Either click on indvidual items to select the items or click the Select All Button button to select all items in the list. Finally, press the OK Button button to add all selected items into the Items table. Items added online will be added along with their images, if available.

Online Items Table

Adding Items Manually

Using this method, only one item can be added at a time. Press the New Button button on toolbar of the Items table. A dialog will appear as shown in the image below. Fill in the mandatory fields marked with Mandatory Marker and other optional fields that may be used in day to day operations and press the Save Button button:-

Add New Item

Modify Existing Items

Click on any item in the items table and then click on the Modify Button button. Or, simply double click on any item. A dialog as shown in the image below will appear containing the complete information of the highlighted item. Modify the information and click Save Button:-

Modify Item